Like most girls, I started planning my wedding a looooooong time ago! I had a list of people who could be my chief bridesmaid: friends, cousins, colleagues, etc.
We had promised each other, “If you marry before me, I’d be your chief bridesmaid, and if I marry before you, you’d be mine…blah blah blah”.
It sounded very simple and straightforward; until they started getting married one after the other, and each time, I had to strike yet another name out. Finally, the last person on my list got married, and there I was, chief bridesmaid-less!
So I decided to solve it once and for all:
I asked my long time, mother-of-three friend to be my Chief Bridesmaid, ‘WHENEVER’. Of course she was excited and even flattered. Now she’s happy, I’m happy and I’m sure the world is a happier place.